Speciality Cleaning
Free Collection
All garments go through a rigorous check when they arrive in our care and are then treated by our experienced and professional operations team.
With the latest state-of-the-art technology and machinery, garments are cleaned in the safest and most environmentally available processes and are then hand finished by our talented, best in the industry pressers.
Specialist Cleaning for the following:
Call us on 0208 677 2374 or alternatively email your enquiry
You can use your smartphone or our website to arrange Collection of Dry Cleaning / Garments from your home or business address. Download our App for Android or IOS or use our website system…
Nullam aliquam sapien turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas tristique elit a lacus semper pellentesque. Maecenas aliquam, nisl nec aliquam pulvinar, lectus ipsum tempor dolor, quis hendrerit dui erat et urna. Morbi rhoncus commodo ligula sed viverra.
Sed malesuada, metus vulputate feugiat efficitur, tellus ligula faucibus nisi, ut sodales dolor ex sed eros. Pellentesque a magna sit amet nisi ultricies convallis quis nec nisi.1
Wedding & Bridal WearNullam aliquam sapien turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas tristique elit a lacus semper pellentesque. Maecenas aliquam, nisl nec aliquam pulvinar, lectus ipsum tempor dolor, quis hendrerit dui erat et urna. Morbi rhoncus commodo ligula sed viverra.
Sed malesuada, metus vulputate feugiat efficitur, tellus ligula faucibus nisi, ut sodales dolor ex sed eros. Pellentesque a magna sit amet nisi ultricies convallis quis nec nisi.2
Suits & Evening Wear